This Unity demo showcases was developed as part of a University project to demonstrate basic features. The demo consists of the following four levels:

1. Wake up Mrs. Box

This demo is a clone of the first level of Wake Up The Box and demonstrates use of rigidbodies and physics joins. (

2. Cannon Blaster

This demo is a clone of the first level of Cookie Hamster and further demonstrates fixed joints and rigid bodies within Unity. (

3. Escape Room

This demo is a basic escape room which needed to meet the following set of requirements:

  • Interaction with objects via raycasting with mouse
  • Inventory system that can add, remove and use items on the environment (holding 8 objects maximum)
  • Keypad which uses a number combination to unlock a door
  • Documents that appear on screen after clicked, which also give hints to the keypad codes
  • Appropriate UI messages appearing on screen

4. Animation Showcase

This animation demo showcases a 2D Platforming Character in different animation states. The character within the demo is set up with  the following animation clips:

  • Idle, Running, Melee Attacking, Jumping, Falling, Hurt, Death Animation

Additionally, the character has the following events triggering via Animation Events:

  • Sound when character Jumps
  • Sound of weapon swipe when character attacks with melee weapon
  • Particle Spawning at character’s feet when he is running as well as footstep sounds

The demo also has:

  • Hurt animation is played when the player presses the "Z" key
  • Once the hurt animation is played 3 times, then the death animation is played.
  • When the death or the hurt animation are playing, the inputs are locked.
  • The death animation is the only animation that doesn’t loop.
  • The weapon is a different sprite than the character, and is animated individually for each different animation state on the character.



Various Sound Effects  

Coin Asset                                      Unity Store

Little Girl Sprites                        Unity Store

Weapon Sprite                              Unity Store

Made withUnity